Saturday, October 12, 2013

Phailin Is Super Cyclonic Storm Category

Phelin, a tropical cyclone from the Bay of Bengal picking fast Andhra and Orissa is moving toward the shore. such up and moist air up the cyclone utpati jalvashp existing in the compaction. due to torrential rain and powerful winds rising. air velocity is so powerful that it is massive devastation in coastal sea areas machata. it is up to 40 kilometres from the coast floods Situation.

Tropical cyclone intensity according to the wind speed is placed in a separate category, according to the Indian Meteorological Department when the wind speed of 62 of 86 km per hour it is called storm chakravati. that pace when 88 117 km per hour it is considered severe when Hurricane chakravati wind speed 118 221 mph is it very serious chakravati storm Is called and when the wind speed of 216 km per hour does it exceed Super chakravati storm. phelin being placed in the same category. that being said there is wind speed 220 240 km per hour.

Saphir-storm according to the measuring speed of storm Simpson scale of severity have been divided into five categories. in the first category wind speed 119-153 km per hour, in the second category 154-177 km per hour, the third range 178-208 kms per hour, fourth in 209-251 km per hour and the speed of 252 mph in the air like that. If compare the phelin can be placed in the fourth category cyclone .

1. nanvabar 11, 1970: East Pakistan and India came to West Bengal share some of the world's most destructive tornado chakravati ' gullible ' has almost half a million people were killed and thousands of animal. trees were destroyed in the hurricane wind speed of approximately 300 km per hour.

2. November 9 1977: Andhra Pradesh coastal areas struck by the tremendous Hurricane Storm nearly 10 thousand people were killed.

3. April 29, 1991: Bangladesh once again storm out of 250 kmph. due to this marine woke up six-meter high wave was the worst catastrophe "in Chittagong cyclone killed nearly one and a half million.